Select the division for the scoreboard
Current standing of all teams in the division
101BITSkrieg1039 points
102Limoncello1030 points
103Emu Exploit1020 points
104NOPS1020 points
105TLS : TheLastTraining1019 points
106SECTHINGS1017 points
107AT20B1000 points
108l33tsinyourbases1000 points
109PTZCTF990 points
110Kuastro970 points
111Driven Stoats 852970 points
112MundekCTFuje960 points
113What Are CTFs?950 points
114Sustaining Moles 754940 points
115Truthful Humans 828932 points
116ISEN CYBER930 points
117LCC (Lost Cause Crew)930 points
118Hackztecs930 points
119VxPx920 points
120Secure Hedgehogs 203910 points
121Ic3Gh3tt0900 points
122MoaiMan900 points
123NuttyShell890 points
124other dublin team883 points
125f4n_n3r0870 points
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