Select the division for the scoreboard
Current standing of all teams in the division
601Fatherly Nilgais 38050 points
602Allowing Lambs 29750 points
6035p0r750 points
604Stellar Oxpeckers 45150 points
605Billfishes 43450 points
606MiN@soloCTF50 points
607CraftsMen50 points
608Sawflies 84550 points
609Fast Skates 57850 points
610Sovereign Condors 51150 points
611Formidable Spittlebugs 15950 points
612Beloved Tomcats 43350 points
613Complete Setters 57750 points
614krompir50 points
615Advisable Worms 89650 points
616Snappy Boxers 40850 points
617Enjoyed Skylarks 44150 points
618Coherent Warblers 31450 points
619Optimum Grosbeaks 29120 points
620R4VAN20 points
621Tagridge Tech10 points
622juju10 points
623m0xSquad10 points
624Root Warriors10 points
625GopherHack10 points
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