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Current standing of all teams in the division
376Advisable Tuataras 208180 points
377bluehens180 points
378Tr0jan P0wn1es180 points
379Team Intelligen’t180 points
380.///.180 points
381Joyful Mullets 57170 points
382Luminous Ridgebacks 520170 points
383Seamen FC170 points
384Bit Busters170 points
385Profuse Primates 745170 points
386🤓🤓🤓170 points
387C3ntr4l_K1ngs170 points
388Dominant Pewees 645170 points
389Sumptuous Bramblings 273170 points
390CSEC170 points
391UAT Cyber Ninjas170 points
392Kruasann170 points
393Privileged Bongos 534160 points
394NCA@Nepal160 points
395Model Tayras 102160 points
396FalconsFly160 points
397Null404160 points
398Musical Weimaraners 593160 points
399Approving Pintails 736160 points
400dpua160 points
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